Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stroller Strides BOB - About the Stroller Strides, Where to Buy

Stroller Strides BOB Stroller in Red
The Stroller Strides BOB Stroller (either single or Duallie model) has been endorsed by the "Stroller Strides" workout program. (This is a program helping parents get a full-body workout while taking little ones along for the ride!)

Pretty handy! Not only can parents get in a good run while having their children with them, they can go one step further and really get in a great workout. This is one of the more innovative ideas I've seen, and solves some problems for parents - such as, "How can I possibly get to the gym?!"

About the Stroller Strides BOB Stroller: The Stroller Strides is designed after the BOB Revolution stroller, so you know you're getting the "best of the best" strollers, and will be able to use it not only for working out, but for everyday types of activities and it handles like an absolute dream.

The main difference with the Stroller Strides is the workout program that comes with it. It comes complete with a kit - including workout instructions and equipment, all especially designed to use with BOB strollers.

Important things to know about the Stroller Strides: The workout program is specifically created for use with BOB strollers. However - There is no need to purchase a brand new stroller just to have the program if you own a BOB already - it can be purchased separately.

Note: If you do purchase the kit separately, make sure to buy a Stroller Strides BOB fitness program and equipment for a single or Duallie, as appropriate. (If you purchase a single program, it will not work with a Duallie stroller - and visa versa.)

Where to Buy the Stroller Strides BOB Stroller and Workout Program:
Here are two other good merchants to check for the Single and Duallie Stroller Strides:
As a note, the Stroller Strides BOB (both the single and Duallie models) are getting rave reviews from the parents that use them - not only for the workout program, but for the beautiful handling and convenience that they offer.

All for today -

Tonya B.

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