Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Double Strollers For Twins

It's always a brief shock when a pregnant women discovers she's having twins. There's just more to prepare for! The following double strollers 2013 help prospective mothers anticipate all the things their pair will need without breaking the bank to buy 2 separates of everything. The following mini-list for your future brood of double trouble feature some of the consumer's best; the strollers that mothers and fathers have deemed the most comfortable, convenient, and appealing in 2013 so far.


Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller

This double stroller is more compact with deep seating and a 30-inch frame that will easily fit through any doorway. It carries up to 90 pounds (45 pounds per child) with reclining features, independently adjustable footrests, 2 cup holders, and a large moving rain canopy. The bumper bar also detaches for a more comfortable fit as your children reach toddler-age. The entire stroller also folds up with a one-handed release for simple storage.


Baby Trend Sit N Stand Double Stroller

Considered the shopping cart of strollers, this one is available in several neutral unisex colors. The two in-line seats feature a lower front seat for your youngest to sit in, while the higher back seat is for the oldest child. Or you can make it your own little shopping cart by removing the back seat completely, allowing your flourishing toddler to stand on the back platform to help you steer their younger sibling. Don't worry! There's a foot activated rear brake for a parent's peace of mind if your oldest gets a little overzealous while steering.


Mountain Buggy Duet Double Stroller

This buggy is the narrowest stroller you'll ever find! At 25-inches in width, each seat puts siblings close, allowing them to share in bonding moments that would otherwise go unnoticed in a less compact mode of transportation. Each seat independently reclines with separate sun hoods to suit each child's individual preferences.


Find current top selling double strollers this year:


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